Intel Pentium 4 Processor HT 631 (Cedar Mill) 3.0GHZ Review

Summary and Comments

Well, again the comparison to the X2 was more fun than anything, I was just very curious about how my system faired against the (sort of) latest from Intel, especially considering the X2 is over a year old now.

Overall I enjoyed playing with the Intel system and it will make a nice second system for me, but I won’t be giving up my X2 just yet. Honestly going into this review I sort of thought I might be switching to the Intel 631 for my main rig because it is much newer, but after testing I can’t justify the switch to the Intel system.

I will be going for higher overclocks in the near future so stay tuned for those results, I have a lot of reviews to do and life in general keeps getting in my way of my ‘play time’. I believe I will be able to easily hit the 5 GHz stable with my new liquid cooling system as the Rhythm isn’t really for overclocking, it is more for keeping things quiet.

Well to finish this I have to say that if you want a dual core system then buy a dual core system not a single core with a ‘virtual’ core that promises dual core performance.

DragonSteelMods gives the Intel Pentium 4 Processor HT 631 (Cedar Mill) 3.0GHZ a 4 out of 5 score.


  • +Overclocks very well


  • -Runs hot, stock cooler not good for OC
  • -Cooler difficult to install
  • -Second ‘virtual’ core is pretty much worthless