Mobile Tech Allows Us to Do Almost Anything Anywhere


I don’t know about you but my smartphone has become my everything device as it allows me access to movies, TV, gaming, email, web browsing, music, navigation and more. There’s no longer a need really to carry multiple devices as our phones can do it all. Thank god for mobile phones, right? They’ve made our lives so much simpler, organized and more streamlined than ever before without the need for various diaries and devices. Thanks to smartphones and their applications, nearly anything can be done on your mobile if you know how – here are some of our favorite ways to use our smartphones.


Our phones have, I think, replaced the MP3 player for the most part. I know for me it has. The storage has increased to the point where we can now carry our music with us, or we can just stream it using one of many services available. Is there really a need for a separate music player anymore?


Movies and TV

Netflix, Hulu, Google Play, YouTube, just to name a few, we can now watch our movies and favorite TV shows on the go. No longer do we need to be stuck on the couch or in front of a computer monitor to watch videos, just watch it right there on your phone that you always have with you. Sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office you’re not limited to the magazines on the tables, now you can catch up on your favorite shows while waiting to be seen.



When internet shopping began from supermarkets and businesses like Amazon, they were built on a model that they were aiming to make chores like shopping quicker and more convenient. The name of the game was to make money from a good proportion of visitors to the online shop, but as more independent shops emerged the scene became much more competitive. This had lead to shopping websites and phone apps aiming more toward getting people to visit as regularly as possibly instead of buying one expensive item.



Online gambling has been around since the late nineties and they have finally begun to emerge properly on smartphones. The vast majority of online casinos now offer a mobile-optimized website or even a local app which can often be downloaded for free onto the device. Websites like offer comparisons of features, bonuses and gambling options so you can find the best game for your phone. Gamble anytime, anywhere you like with the best odds.


Retro Gaming

This is one area in which Android phones have an advantage over Apple – their much more lenient rules have allowed applications to be made which can emulate over twenty five different video game consoles and computers on your phone, including most Sega and Nintendo systems. While not all of them are free, they are without DRM so the few pounds you might pay will give you access to hundreds of games.





Knowledge and Navigation

Having the internet at your fingertips is an invaluable tool. Although it might have made the old pub quiz redundant, being able to search for facts to settle arguments and finding out what else that actor has been in instantly is incredibly helpful. There are other more obvious information uses, like online newspapers, weather apps and schedules for public transportation and of course navigation. Our smartphones can replace the stand alone GPS device so we can have directions right at our fingertips whether we’re walking or driving.


Augmented Reality

Still in its early days but undeniably one of the more exciting aspects of smartphone technology is in its augmented reality functions. At a basic level, it incorporates virtual images into the real world using the phone’ camera. This can be used for practical purposes, such as GPS directions laid out on your screen like in a video game, or applications which translate in real time, allowing you to understand signs in any language, although you can have a little more fun by imposing virtual objects onto your physical environment, or interact with your hometown or city through the virtual environment.




The possibilities are endless, and these are just some of the exciting things you can do wherever you are, should you have your smartphone on-hand. Playing, shopping, socializing or learning are all useful and fun activities made easier by the wonders of technology.