Colorful Card USB Drive 128MB

USB Drives come in all shapes and sizes, many companies out there are making them now. They have become extremely popular due to their portability, capacity and speed. Today for review I have a different sort of USB drive from…

ATP 256Mb 3-in-1 microSD combo

  More and more devices these days use flash memory, and flash memory card just keep getting smaller to fit into all of these various devices. Cellphones, PDA’s, cameras, all sorts of devices use different types of cards, but the…

Smarthumb My.Backup Software

  Backing up your data is something that should be done often, you never know what can happen, and when that something might happen. I myself have had two hard drives fail in the last two years, the first time…

Pile and Pop PC Game Review

  I love games, all sorts of games, that’s one of the reasons why you see quite a few game reviews here on DSM. The other reason is that I like to support the ‘little guy’, the little software companies…