C2D 6420 vs C2Q 6600 Quad Vs. Dual Comparison

Summary and Comments

Well what have we learned from all of this?

I learned that I’ll stick with XP as my main OS for a little bit longer, as I said hopefully SP1 will provide a needed performance boost for Vista.

In gaming, Quad Core is clearly the way to go, especially for newer games, the older ones not so much, newer games are being made to make use of multiple cores.

From what SiSoft Sandra told us we can see that the Quad core is clearly the superior processor in terms of synthetic benchmarks… but seriously though, four cores are for the most part much better than two cores, it all really depends on what you’re doing and if the software you use can utilize multiple cores or not.

Now in the real world I really can’t feel any difference, when I went from single core to dual core I noticed a huge performance increase, the system just felt faster and snappier, but not so much moving from dual to quad as I expected it to.

Overall I guess it was a good choice, but I’m just not sure that right now was the right time to do it, there really isn’t much out there that can utilize quad cores fully, unless you run benchmarks all day long…